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Антропометрия. Как правильно?

Тема в разделе "Общение", создана пользователем Жировик, 15 окт 2014.

  1. Жировик

    Жировик ЭКАрус

    • Нравится! Нравится! x 7
  2. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    кстати есть гипотеза - писька прогибается вправо или влево в зависимости от того левша ты или правша соответственно:lol:
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 3
  3. Жировик

    Жировик ЭКАрус

    это не у дальновидных людей.
    Если руки чередовать то все равномерно будет,проверено на опыте!
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 4
  4. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    ну хз - правая рука на мышке, чтобы когда мамка зайдет паузу нажать на порно, левая рука в делах. Итог у 95% людей писька в лево смотрит, каким бы ты дальновидным не был.
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 2
  5. Dronik

    Dronik 7292 дома-дома

    Сижу теперь думаю в какую сторону то косит друг=) Но кажись все наооборот у меня)))
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 2
  6. Жировик

    Жировик ЭКАрус

    пробел можно нажать любой рукой )))
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  7. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    не люблю рисковать
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 3
  8. ximozzzza

    ximozzzza Добрый Дед

    Бля, ну если так, то у меня стандарт 15 см
  9. ximozzzza

    ximozzzza Добрый Дед

    На счёт яиц там есть чё?
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 2
  10. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    ну яйца надо беречь) это всё)))
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  11. ximozzzza

    ximozzzza Добрый Дед

    А мыть нада?
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 4
  12. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    мыть и брить - "пакетик с чаем" лучше бритыми яйцами делать)))
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 3
  13. Dronik

    Dronik 7292 дома-дома

    Я по дуге до 8 дотянул, а то все думал,что короткоствол, а нет не правильно мерил:trollface:
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 2
  14. El-Mariachi

    El-Mariachi Бывалый

    ты в обойме
    • Нравится! Нравится! x 1
  15. WhitePixels

    WhitePixels Новичок

    How to Take Your Measurements Properly (из статьи YOUR MUSCULAR POTENTIAL by CASEY BUTT, PH.D.)

    Most bodybuilders exaggerate their measurements. What must also be considered is that
    most bodybuilders unknowingly take their measurements incorrectly as well. It’s very
    easy, and even natural, to take measurements in a way that makes the biceps seem a little
    larger and the waist a little smaller. In fact, it’s human nature to do so. Reality, however,
    is what this book based on, and taking measurements incorrectly only deceives, deludes
    and ultimately disappoints people. (The threes “D’s” of the modern commercial
    bodybuilding industry are, for many genetically typical trainees, “deception, delusion and
    disappointment”). Below are the procedures for taking “honest” measurements and some
    of the “tricks” bodybuilders commonly use to inflate theirs, both to impress others and
    often themselves.


    The chest measurement is taken with the subject standing tall and the muscles of the
    chest and back relaxed. Breathing is normal and the lungs are not expanded with air.
    The arms are at the sides but not compressing the tape (held out from the body a few
    inches). Measurement is made around the greatest circumference of the chest, which
    is usually at the level of the nipples in males. The tape is parallel to the floor, not
    slanting upwards or downwards as it goes around the back. It is difficult, though not
    impossible, for this measurement to be taken without the assistance of another person.
    How people cheat: The easiest and most obvious way to cheat this measurement is to
    breathe in a big gulp of air and stick the chest out. This is what most bodybuilders do
    when chest measurements are taken. This posture can inflate (pardon the pun) the
    true chest measurement by up to several inches. Another common cheat is to flex the
    lats. Also, slanting the tape up over the scapulae (shoulder blades) erroneously
    increases the chest measurement.

    Shoulder Girth

    Shoulder girth is measured with the subject standing tall, arms at the sides and the
    muscles of the chest, back, shoulders and arms relaxed. Breathing is normal and the
    lungs are not expanded with air. Measurement is made around the shoulders at the
    point of maximum protrusion of the medial deltoids (in other words, where the
    shoulders appear widest). The tape is parallel to the floor, not slanting upwards or
    downwards as it goes around the back. Again, it is difficult, though not impossible,
    for this measurement to be taken without the assistance of another person.
    How people cheat: Bodybuilders increase this measurement by the same means as
    with chest girth, with the addition that flexing the deltoids and holding the arms
    slightly out from the sides of the body can also significantly increase the measured
    value. For the proper measurement, the muscles must be relaxed and the tape parallel
    to the floor.

    Shoulder Width

    Ideally, shoulder width should be taken with large, outside calipers. However, as
    almost nobody has access to that instrument, measurement usually must be taken with
    the subject standing relaxed with his upper back against the wall. An assistant marks
    the wall with a marker, pencil or pen on each side at the maximum protrusion of the
    right and left deltoids, while the subject remains completely still. Then the subject
    steps away and the distance between marks on the wall is measured – this is the
    shoulder width. As this is an inherently inaccurate procedure, the average of several
    measurements should be taken.
    How people cheat: Flexing the delts or inflating the chest are two common ways
    people cheat this measurement. Leaning slightly from side to side as the marks are
    made on the wall can also falsely increase the measurement …even though the body
    movement may be unperceivable.


    The biceps are measured with the upper arm raised 90° out from the side of the body,
    the elbow bent, and the biceps flexed hard to its maximum peak. Measurement is
    taken around the point of the highest peak of the biceps, with the tape perpendicular
    to the upper arm.
    How people cheat: Although this is a relatively simple and easy measurement to take,
    bodybuilders most commonly try to exaggerate it particularly. The most common
    way of cheating is not pulling the tape snug against the flesh. While the tape should
    not be compressing the flesh, there should be no space anywhere between the tape
    and the entire circumference of the arm.
    A much less obvious way that people cheat this measurement is to slant the tape
    slightly so that it doesn’t run truly perpendicular to the upper arm, but rather around
    the arm on an angle. This often allows the bodybuilder to include the lower part of
    the side deltoid in the measurement as well. I’ve seen bodybuilders add almost an
    inch to their biceps measurement claim by holding the tape slightly slack and angling
    it so that the lower edge of the side deltoid is included in the “measurement”.


    Measurement is taken with the fist clenched, but the hand out straight – not cocked
    into a “gooseneck”. Measurement is taken around the largest point, with the tape
    perpendicular to the forearm.
    How people cheat: Bodybuilders most often cheat this measurement by flexing their
    fists towards their forearms – a “gooseneck”. This “peaks” the forearm muscle and
    increases the circumference.


    The neck measurement is taken at the smallest point – not including the trapezius
    muscles or the protrusion of the “Adam’s apple”. The head should be held high and
    the muscles of the neck relaxed. The tape should be as perpendicular to the neck as
    possible, with the exception that the tape may be slanted downwards slightly in the
    front in order to pass under the Adam’s apple.
    How people cheat: Bodybuilders cheat by placing the tape too far down on the neck
    and thereby including the upper traps in the measurement. Also, it is common for
    bodybuilders to slant the tape too far down in the front or to pass the tape over the
    Adam’s apple. Bodybuilders can often increase this measurement by not holding the
    head high as well. It is relatively easy to add half an inch to the neck measurement by
    combining these factors …often with the subject not even aware of it.


    Thigh measurement is taken midway between the hip socket and the midpoint of the
    knee (a point a few inches below the crotch), with the subject standing and the leg
    muscles relaxed. The tape is perpendicular to the thigh.
    How people cheat: As thigh girth is typically larger higher up on the leg, most
    bodybuilders cheat this measurement by placing the tape too close to the buttocks.
    Also, many bodybuilders take this measurement with the thigh muscles flexed, not
    relaxed. As with the biceps, this measurement can be affected significantly by
    allowing the tape to slant slightly and not run perpendicular to the thigh.


    The calf measurement is taken with the subject standing, flat-footed, and the calf
    muscles flexed (without raising the heel from the floor). The tape is placed around
    the largest girth of the calves, with the tape running perpendicular to the lower leg.

    How people cheat: This measurement is a difficult one to cheat, although it can, and
    is, done. Bodybuilders cheat by raising their heels slightly, thus peaking the calf
    muscles, and by allowing the tape to slant upwards or downwards, rather than passing
    around the leg parallel to the floor.


    Measurement is taken relaxed, with the subject “standing tall” but not sucking in the
    waist or flexing the abdominal muscles. The posture is similar to the familiar soldier
    standing “at attention”, but without the chest exaggeratedly expanded or the waist
    strongly pulled in. Measurement is made around the smallest point, with the tape
    running parallel to the floor. The average value is calculated between measurements
    taken during exhalation and inhalation.
    How people cheat: This is probably the only measurement that bodybuilders
    regularly underreport. Most bodybuilders cheat by “sucking in” their “stomachs”
    when this measurement is taken, and also by pulling the tape too tight.


    The hips are measured with the subject standing as described for the waist
    measurement. Measurement is taken around the point of maximum protrusion of the
    hip bones, with the tape running parallel to the floor.
    How people cheat: Bodybuilders almost never consciously cheat on this
    measurement because they don’t know what an “impressive” hip measurement is
    supposed to be. It is rare for modern bodybuilders to even take this measurement.
    All measurements should be taken with a cloth or flexible plastic tape that has been
    checked against a measuring stick or steel tape for accuracy. For all measurements the
    tape should be touching the skin around the entire circumference of the body part, but not
    pulled tight to the point where it is compressing the flesh.
  16. Задохлик

    Задохлик Persona Grata

    То это мой член=D
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